Two similar mansions built into a sloping hill

Building on a High Slope versus a Low Slope

Two similar mansions built into a sloping hill

A sloping site isn’t as much of a problem for building a home as all those urban myths would have you believe, but building on a slope comes with a few natural issues. The slope may be high, meaning you have to create a footing for the home on the slope. A lower slope can also pose problems, requiring the building to sit on the slope, but on a flat base.

There are various ways of dealing with a slope:

1. Bulldoze a flat base in to the slope. This can be expensive, time-consuming and not too much fun for the budget in some cases.
2. Taking advantage of the slope to build a double storey home with a great view. This is what many homebuyers do to enjoy the unique views many sloping homes offer.

The fact remains that the solution must be suitable for your budget and the terrain. Site access may also need to be factored in on higher, steeper slopes.

Home Design for Slopes

Fortunately for homebuyers, modern design can do just about anything with any type of sloping site. You can even build 2-storey homes on a sloping site. Gentle slopes aren’t much of a problem at all.

Steeper slopes, however, require some planning. It’s a good idea to talk to your Home Design Consultant and discuss your options. This discussion can be a lot more fun than you might think.

Designers are problem solvers by definition. They can design a home which will be ideal for your site and create a fabulous design which will exceed your expectations.

Ask your designer about:

  • Managing the slope issues: You’ll get a clear, straightforward explanation of all the issues. Your designer will use a site survey plan and CAD display to show you what’s possible. Expect to learn quite a lot about site design and how designers and architects manage these issues.
  • Site access: Your designer will show you how access for your driveway can be built in to your site even on a tricky higher slope. This is also useful for developing plans for your block.
  • Costs: You may be more than a bit surprised to learn that, in most cases, building on a slope doesn’t need to be more expensive. The only likely exception would be on a rocky, steep slope where house foundations need to be very firmly based and rock formations may affect how the house sits.
  • Home design: Sloping sites can be fabulous for home designs. Imagine your beautiful, new home with a landscaped garden and fantastic view. Also be aware that your fantastic view adds value to your home. A good view can be literally worth a fortune.

Need Some Help at the Planning Stage of Buying a New Home?

McDonald Jones Homes is a market leader in new home design and house and land packages in NSW and the ACT.  We can offer you a fabulous range of designer homes and all the help you need to build on any sloping block.

We’re happy to assist with design, site access and any issues you may have with a sloping site. Call us or enquire online. Talk to our experts and ask us for any guidance you need.