Plants and Flowers for an Australian Autumn

Plants and Flowers for an Australian Autumn

Plants and Flowers for an Australian Autumn

We are so lucky to live in a country where we have an abundant supply of plants and flowers. Using plants as part of interior decoration is an art in this country - and we have so many colours to paint with. When used thoughtfully, plants and flowers can significantly enhance a home’s aesthetics. They bring a natural feel and healthy atmosphere both inside and outside your home. Let’s explore how you can use a range of plants and flowers to improve your home’s decor and reflect your unique personality.

Incorporate Indoor Plants into Your Interior Design

Indoor plants bring a fresh mix of colours into your home, not to mention improving the air that you breathe. They change a home’s atmosphere - instantly making it feel more alive while covering up any bad smells.

While pots and vases are still fantastic ways to bring plants into your home, there are many more creative ideas that will illustrate your ability to try new things and innovate, including:

  • A corner forest – fill one corner of a room with a range of different plants. For added effect, place them at different eye levels - on the floor, hanging from the roof and on a table or shelves on a bookcase.
  • Letting vines drape around the legs of a table - this is great option on your patio, truly mixing your indoor and outdoor space
  • Adding them to your bathroom – your bathroom can be one of the most plain looking rooms in the home. A few plants will give it a natural and more inviting look.
  • Grow a box of herbs in your kitchen – it’s especially handy at dinner time when you can throw a few fresh herbs into your dish.
  • Create a beautiful arrangement – carefully mixing different plants can create an effect more powerful than many single pieces of art.
  • Use a hanging planter – having a box that hangs from the ceiling lets you look up and watch your plants grow. This is especially effective if you have limited floor space to use.

Grow an Eye-Catching Garden

Your backyard can become an under-used resource of your house if you don’t create a garden you want to be in. Taking the time to select plants that will grow well together, and then nurturing them as they develop isn’t only a rewarding experience, you create a new living area that everyone will enjoy. It becomes a hub for social occasions - everyone enjoys socialising outdoors when in the presence of a beautiful, natural range of plants and flowers - it feels right.

Plastic Plants and Flowers are in Vogue

In years gone by there was a stigma to using plastic plants and flowers, but this attitude is a thing of the past. Modern designers recognise that a plastic plant or flower is a valid reflection of real plants and flowers, and they maintain the intrinsic beauty that each plant developed through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. We have 2D images of plants (photos and paintings) and nobody blinks twice - having a 3D representation of them (plastic plants and flowers) only enhances their beauty.

Traditionally, plastic plants and flowers have been used indoors but this trend is changing. They can bring a new dimension to a garden that you otherwise couldn’t attain. You can infuse exotic flowers in your garden, contrasting them against plainer growth, making them a rich focal point that will attract plenty of positive attention from your friends.

What are you waiting for? Autumn is the perfect time to boost your home’s ambience indoors and outside with new real or plastic plants and flowers. If you have a great autumn gardening idea, leave a comment below or post it on our Facebook page or check out our outdoor living board on Pinterest.