kids bedroom colours

10 Common Misconceptions About Kids’ Bedroom Colour

kids bedroom colours

Everyone seems to have an opinion of the right thing to do when it comes to kid’s bedroom colours and what is a big no-no. Whether you’re building, buying or renovating a home, choosing colours for your child’s bedroom can be thrilling but also exhausting. It’s hard to know which rules mean something and which ones you can throw out the door.

At McDonald Jones Homes, we have built and designed a multitude of bedrooms for kids and we are here to let you know the misconceptions people often have when it comes to bedroom colours for kids.

The team at our MyChoice Design Studio can help you with these decisions and show you what is available, current trends and how all your choices can fit together.

You can also start collecting ideas along the way from our Pinterest boards.

1. Blue is Calming

While certain shades of blue are known to induce sleep and create calmness, you need to be careful on what shade of blue you choose. Not all shades of blue are calming, and some will have the opposite effect.

2. White is Boring

White may be considered ‘bland’ but it also makes bright furnishings and homewares really ’pop’ and provide a neutral base colour, so before you choose a different colour, consider white if you plan on brightening things up with the bedroom’s décor.

3. Never Use Dark Colours

It’s been said that dark colours close off a room, making it seem smaller than it really is. That can be the case, however large windows that let in plenty of light, coupled with dark wall shade, and complementing furniture can work well.

4. You Need to Paint the Whole Room One Colour

You might be quick to assume that you need to paint the whole bedroom one colour, but accents of colour such as only painting the feature wall or cornices in a different colour can add the dimension of colour you are after without painting the entire room one shade, even wall paper one wall can help add some colour.

5. Blue is for Boys and Pink is for Girls

Don’t be in a hurry to choose between only pink and blue shades depending on the gender of your child. Instead, be guided by what shades your child enjoys the most and go from there. Greens, yellows and purples can also be great in your child’s room.

6. Never Use Clashing Colours

Things don’t always need to match and in fact, matching colours can make a room look bland and uninviting. Clashing colours like pink and orange can look great in a room if it’s done sparingly and with style.

7. Red Makes Children Angry

The colour red is known to increase heartbeat rates and is linked to energy levels. Obviously, a room that is entirely red is not a wise choice, but a little bit of red in your child’s room can be tasteful and not impact on your child’s emotions.

8. Never Use Patterns

Feature walls or coloured accents that are patterned can look fantastic in a kid’s bedroom and really give it another dimension of style. Before you dismiss patterns, consider textures and patterns for the added ‘wow’ factor.

9. Your Child Will Outgrow the Colour Eventually

Some people say painting your child’s bedroom any colour other than a neutral one is a waste of time as they will outgrow it. This isn’t true - as long as the colour is chosen carefully, your child can end up keeping the room the same colour until they move out!

10. The Colour Needs to Match the Rest of the House

Your child’s bedroom should be their little oasis and doesn’t need to match the rest of the home. Instead, it should reflect their personality, tastes and be a place of joy, just for them!

Choose Your Child’s Bedroom Colour with New McDonald Jones Homes Bedroom

At McDonald Jones Homes, we love building a new home for a family, and our team in our MyChoice Design Studio are experts in styling choices and can help you with these decisions, plus show you what’s on trend and how all your choices can fit together.

You can also start collecting ideas along the way from our Pinterest boards.