Home Automation Examples

Smart Home Automation Explained

Home Automation Examples

Advancements in home automation devices are changing the way people live for the better. Smart home automation makes life easier and faster, and this top-notch tech is in high demand. As renowned Australian home builders helping NSW and ACT families get into their dream homes, we have the scoop on state-of-the-art smarthomes and what you can expect from different types of home automation.

The Rise of Home Automation Devices

Home automation involves using a remote control to automate different functions in your house. The last decade has seen a significant rise in smart home technology, as now around 7 in 10 households have at least one smart device. Busy Australian families are looking for ways to streamline security and entertainment, which is why more and more are opting to pay a bit more for home automation that’s well worth the initial investment. Automated home technology is expected to continue trending for many years to come, thanks to the optimal comfort and convenience it offers. Especially with the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s great to get home and unwind with sophisticated smart technology enhancing your environment.

Types of Home Automation Australia

Experienced home builders can give you a better idea of all the automated possibilities in modern Australian homes. While existing homes can be upgraded with certain smart home systems, it’s even nicer to move into a beautiful brand-new home outfitted with the latest and greatest in automation technology. There are a few different types of home automation to consider, starting with appliance control that helps save energy and cut down on electricity bills. Remote-controlled blinds are also popular for privacy and security, along with front door and gate access systems that may be operated via smartphone app or tablet.

Home Automation Examples in New Homes

  • So, what are some more common examples of home automation that Australian homeowners can use in their house? 
    Energy-efficient appliances: new kitchen appliances can be programmed to conserve energy and connect to voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google.
  • Automated door locks: say goodbye to traditional metal keys and hello to a safer form of home security for peace of mind.
  • Access control systems: secure your home and program the lights and AC to turn on when you arrive, with just a few clicks from your phone.
  • Automated irrigation: keep your grass green while managing water consumption with an innovative irrigation control system for sprinklers and pipes.

Embrace Exciting Technology in Australian Smarthomes

Now that you’ve seen some home automation examples, it’s time to think about your dream home and how you can use technology to your advantage. McDonald Jones Homes is a leading Australian home builder, please give us a call at 1300 555 382 or contact us online to learn more about smart home automation and building your dream home.